

Distributed Smart Working
Application Platform

D-SWAP facilitates smart working by protecting the exchange of information flows

The pervasiveness of widespread and continuous Smart Working within Organizations has
led to an exponential growth in the needs for collaboration, coordination, monitoring and sharing of work, further accentuated where the work processes require a particularly articulated exchange of data, documents and information, also in relation to the number of actors involved in the process. The project aims to address all those organizations (public and private) that need a total guarantee on what is exchanged within the platform, especially when such information can take on relevance from the point of view of confidentiality, both of the data and of participants and related communications.
The platform has the general objective of providing these organizations with an integrated platform that is able to combine the typical operational needs of Smart Working, through a complete functional coverage, with those relating to the security of information managed and exchanged.

Smart working preserving the integrity and security of information

D-SWAP is an integrated platform that manages to combine typical operational needs
of Smart Working with those relating to the security of information managed and exchanged. The system will be most useful in conditions of particular attention or in meetings and exchanges of information with critical contents.

The achievement of this objective is achievable only through the adoption of innovative, stable, mature and non-proprietary (Open Source) infrastructures that allow, through a distributed, decentralized and security-oriented approach (security-by-design), to offer organizations the required security and confidentiality standards.

Cloud collaboration with high security standards

D-SWAP is characterized by the development and delivery of a complete, modular and integrable Collaboration ecosystem based on a totally distributed, decentralized and secure infrastructure that is able to offer organizations the required security and confidentiality standards.

Here is a list of protocols that guarantee the reliability and interoperability of the system:

Matrix Open Standard communication protocol

The adoption of Matrix Open Standard allows to base the entire infrastructure on a stable and mature Open Source project (Apache License v2). The main features of the protocol consist in providing an architecture where information, whether messaging and VoIP or deriving from Internet of Things (IoT) contexts, is replicated exclusively on each single node of the respective sender and receiver.

Open Source IPFS protocol for file management

Thanks to the use of this protocol, it will be possible to take advantage of all the advantages of a distributed paradigm for file management, eliminating storage and management inefficiencies related to the presence of duplicates, load on the storage system and problems of integrity and security in general.

End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)

The project aims to create the conditions for managing dedicated architectures in controlled environments, for the provision of services to the pool of internal users, safely extending the functions to external actors, but always in a regime of maximum secrecy and confidentiality.

Usability and functionality

The high level of usability makes the platform happy to be adopted in heterogeneous contexts, where there can be very different levels of digital skills.
Combined with the need for usability, and complementary to it, is the need to provide a complete platform that covers all the needs deriving from Smart Working, avoiding the use of different tools which, although optimized for the specific purpose, become dispersive in the management of the entire work flow / process.

 The platform is characterized by the following functional areas:

Business Chat

An advanced and at the same time intuitive system will allow the creation and participation of easily configurable discussion groups based on the specific need (team, topic, project, event, function, etc.) where they can converge from a few subjects up to real ones Community.

Video and Audio Conferencing

The established groups can integrate the discussion methods typical of a chat through audio and video conference tools that can be used by all devices. These audio and video sessions can also integrate external parties allowing fully monitored inter-organization communication processes, guaranteeing full safety.

File Management

D-SWAP allows you to share and view files in a simple way, contextualizing these files to the work groups for which they are interested.

Smart Notifications

a powerful notification engine, configurable by each user, facilitates interaction with the platform by orienting one's work to the priority aspects of the information flow in which the user is involved and allowing to reduce one of the concrete risks of smart working, namely that of information overload.

D-Swap is the integrated platform that combines the typical operational needs of Smart Working with the needs related to the security of the information managed and exchanged.

D-Swap is the integrated platform that combines the typical operational needs of Smart Working with the needs related to the security of the information managed and exchanged.