
Digital Transformation for the Public Administration

An immediate contact between citizens and public bodies

Giustizia Metropolitana® is the innovative technological solution developed by Net Service S.p.A. for the digitalization of processes and electronic interchange between Local Authorities, citizens and the Central Public Administration.

The technological heart of the platform lies in the Astrea Digital Platform, which is capable of offering Public Administrations and Companies digital systems and tools perfectly outlined for their specific needs.

The ideal solution for the Public Administration

Thanks to the standard interoperability mechanisms it is based on, and to the already preconfigured suite of applications, Giustizia Metropolitana® allows for simpler and more immediate interaction between the territory (citizens) and Public Bodies. Specifically, the platform allows the Public Administration to guarantee:

New relational models between citizens, Public Bodies, Local Institutions and Judicial Offices in compliance with the relevant regulations and with the requirements underlying the concept of a Smart City.
A real dematerialization process of document flows and digitalization of administrative processes. This drastically reduces the physical movement of citizens, with a considerable benefit in terms of costs and environmental impact.
A more immediate, quick and effective contact between citizen, Public Bodies, Ministries, Judicial Offices and Local Institutes, allowing the Public Administration to cut waiting times and direct costs (see Proximity Desk).
The maximum protection of citizens' data.
Net Service delivers SaaS services, in compliance with the general data protection regulation (GDPR - EU Regulation 2016/679), within its own ISO 27001: 2013 certified Data Centre environments
A collaborative work model capable of easily integrating with pre-existing systems while following the path of each activity, process and practice until their completion.

Per città ancora più intelligenti

Giustizia Metropolitana® rende più semplice e immediato il dialogo tra realtà amministrative diverse, consentendo a Comuni ed Enti Pubblici di offrire servizi di maggior qualità, più tempestivi e in grado di rispondere efficacemente alle necessità dei cittadini senza gravare sulla spesa pubblica e sull'ambiente.
Ne è un esempio il Comune di Bologna, in cui la piattaforma viene utilizzata per la gestione digitale e telematica delle procedure amministrative. Nel corso del tempo ciò ha comportato un consistente miglioramento qualitativo dei servizi Giustizia offerti dalla città, un netto risparmio in termini di costi e un contenimento delle emissioni inquinanti.
Vantaggi che si sono tradotti in un premio che, per ben due volte, ha permesso al capoluogo emiliano di entrare nella rosa delle migliori Smart City italiane. Nel 2016 e nel 2019 il Comune di Bologna si è infatti aggiudicato, grazie a Giustizia Metropolitana®, il Premio Innovazione SMAU.
La soluzione ha inoltre permesso a Net Service di aggiudicarsi il
Premio speciale per l'Impatto Sociale al Digital 360° Awards 2018 e di ricevere un riconoscimento nell'ambito del Forum PA 2018 e del Forum PA 2019.

Astrea Digital Platform
The solution is an implementation by Astrea® Digital Platform and it is developed by Net Service based on its twenty years of experience in the legal sector.

Would you like to learn more about Giustizia Metropolitana®?

Contact Net Service. Its experts will be more than happy to answer your questions and explain in detail the solution’s features and advantages.